Nothing, but a wow.

Monday, 6th of December, 2010.

I got my maroon 5 ticket! Yes, the concert whose tickets are sold out in one day only! God bless my wasted time to be in a long queue to buy it yesterday morning.. SEE YOU AT JAKARTA ON APRIL 27, ADAM LEVINE!

if there is something that will be stay its way for good, call me, I need it.

because every single thing I know today, changes too much.

I belong to...




dan inilah bulanku. gue selalu nganggep mei 2010 itu nightmare sampe akhirnya bulan ini dateng. and it's all my stories..

seven of may was a friday. a day i hate. the one make it worse is, hari itu pengambilan rapot bayangan dimana gue hafal banget nilai gue turun ranking gue turun 4 level. really i wanted to cry that time but it was my birthday, i didnt wanna make it bad..

dan sepertinya, another bad luck haunted me that day. nyokap gue itu kalo ambil rapot nomer urutnya sampe 1000 nyokap gue bisa baru dateng pas orang ke-1001 dipanggil, which is NGARET BANGET. nyokap gue bukan tipe ibu2 yg excited ambil rapot anaknya. dan nyoka
p gue telfon nyuruh gue nunggu sampe nyokap gue dateng. dan itu berarti............. gue harus nungguin sampe sekolah udah sepi, kursi udah pada dinaikin, pak manang udah ngusir anak2 yg 'ketinggalan' di kelas, gerbang tangga udah di kunci, satpam udah tinggal sebiji, dan............. oke gue lebay. tapi karena gue anak yg sangat baik (plus diancem diomelin sm nyokap gue kalo pulang duluan), gue jadi nurut nungguin,

tidak. bad luck gue gak sampe situ aja. fyi, gue udah 14 bulan jadian sama dewe tapi blm pernah ketemu satu orangpun dari keluarganya, unless wisnu. dan did i mention it was a report day? yes. gue ketemu untuk pertama kalinya. masalahnya, cara ketemunya itu looooh.. yaudah sini gue ceritain:

mobil gue yaris. dark grey. plat nomer misalnya B 1234 AB.
gue lagi di lantai 3 SMAN 71 dengan mata gue yg minus + silindris ngeliat mobil yaris, abu abu tua dan platnya.. B 1234 B! once i thought, "IT IS MY CAR! YIPPIE! MY MOMMY FINALLY COMES EARLIER THAN SHE USUALLY DOES!" then something came to my mind.. "wait, belakangnya B bukan AB, apa gue salah liat ya kan mata gue burem?" dan gue yg takut mobil itu jauh dari pandangan langsung lari ke arah dimana mobil itu lebih jelas diliat.

iya, lari.
dan dewe yg entah kenapa adanya disaat saat genting, gue dorong aja gitu punggungnya karena ngalangin jalan gue. buk! dan...................... muka ibunya. sumpah demi apapun gue gak tau kalo dewe itu lg ngobrol sm nyokapnya tengah jalan dan jadi pas gue dorong dewe biar gak ngehalangin jalan gue, ada nyokapnya depan gue. untung sempet ngerem. kalo enggak kan kedorong juga ibunya. tp muka gue langsung berubah. langsung diem gak tau mau ngapain. gue liatin muka dewe, dewe diem aja. tantenya juga diem aja. trs akhirnya si tante ngomong "we, ini farras?" HIAK GUE MAU MATI. dan dapet combo: samping ibunya dewe ada tantenya dewe. dan di detik itu juga ada suara ketawa temen2 di belakang gue. sumpah kayak sinetron. TAPI DEMI APAPUN INI BENERAN KEJADIAAAAAAN!

gue bener salting itu. gak tau mesti ngapain. cuma matung doang. ada suara dewe akhirnya "ras.. salim.." BLAH GUA LUPA SALIM. yak, tambah aja deh malu2in. untung ibunya dewe baik gak mikir macem2 walaupun muka gue udah berantakan, lari2an, dorong2 anaknya, grasak grusuk, lupa salim hihi, makasih ya tante tary :3

tante tary nya pulang. dewenya pulang. dan mobil B 1234 B yang gue salah liat tadi ternyata B 1243 B dan tentunya: bukan mobil gue *crying*. sekolah sepi. nyokap belum dateng. batre blackberry udah low, gak bisa twitteran, gak bisa bbman, nunggu sendirian, dan mau nangis rasanya. eh dan akhirnya nyokap gue dateng juga. tapi gue sama nyokap masih mesti antri ambil rapot. lama banget emang, tapi disabar2in. akhirnya pulang!

sampe depan rumah ada........................... yak, gak ada apa apa. sepi rumahnya seperti biasa. gue masuk kamar, nyalain ac, nyari2 charger since my blackberry LED already had the yellow-yellow lamp. hah, baru aja tiduran dan ada orang masuk kamar gue. sendirian. nyanyi happy birthday. yap, dewe.

gue kaget. dan ngomong "loh kok sendirian....." tiba2 segerombolan manusia yg gue anggap sebagai sahabat ter-muah dateng. nyanyi happy birthday. SOOOO SURPRISED.

dan ternyata segala mami ombay shagi mbak ami mbak ipah tau semua soal surprise ini. me love you too!

tentunya plus acara siram2 ramuan bau. kayaknya itu wajib. dan gue wajib kena. jahat. fyi, ramuan untuk gue itu adalah campuran frisian flag full cream, madu, telor, terigu, cat poster aneka warna, dan......................segayung air got :' (

abang abang balonnya girang banget ngeliat gue disiram *ngeliriksinis*

this is my brother.

they are friendssssssssssssssssssss!

maaf ya dewe aku gemeeeees pengen ngerjain kamu juga!!!!!! (gemes apa dendam ras?)


these all were from the bestfriends! (except mucus tentunya)
you have to see the scrapbook and more than 50 school friends' birthday greeting for me inside! IT'S PRETTY AWESOME!

these all from everybody. look the picture of me and dad, mom gave it!


Few months back into love

Selasa, 8 Juni 2010

*oke fine, itu lebay.*

let's do something normally.

tapi emang udah lama banget. this is my first post on 2010. god, I must be so out-of-date. okay, I've got an idea! gimana kalo gue nulis sesuatu ttg hidup gue 5 bulan belakangan? a little bit trash-talking, as always, but who cares? *wink*

new years eve! but as usual, there's nothing to do, no party, no celebration. i didnt celebrate any new years eve, just staying at the balcony of my house, seeing neighbours playin' cool fireworks, hearing sound of trumpets, and back kissing my bed. however, that was quite fun, so far.

Dang! I'd just noticed that it is 2010! Where's my little friends turn into 17, and I got billion friends to be congratulated in a more special way. Make surprises, scrapbooks, and presents. Well, then it was the month I'm back into crayons and drawing papers, and absolutely canvases.

this is one of them. i made it for my Ressa Hana Perangin-angin :)

Got bunch of activities this month! We start it from the first week of march: 5th march. JAVA JAZZ FESTIVAAAAAL! i always love being in java jazz, but not for this year. too disappointing that I can't even enjoy the jazz. yes, I'm talking about kemayoran as the new place and also the crowd. JJF is much better if it could be held back at JCC. however, it was my first time going javajazz with dewe. and the first time dewe met mommy! congrats, aditdewe ;)

me and dewe. yes front row on sandhy sondhoro's show!

now we're going to the next week after JJF. yes 12th march! guess what? me and dewe had our 1st anniversary. we got presents to give. wanna know? let's see ours!

this is one of 9 cupcakes i gave to dewe, pretty cute eh?

i always love scrapbook. this one is made by dewe!

cant deny, nothing could be any sweeter than this one :3

these were the 9 cupcakes. there were mucus and grimmie, my dolls, say hello to them!

good thing to know about march is, it is the time for seniors having a lot of exams, and me as junior having a looooot of holiday! since i want to see any giraffes, so i begged dewe, ade, egi, and indah to accompany me. and this what i'd got:

so bad egi could not join us :(

oh yea, i got a new foreign friend there. he said Massa is his name, and he was having holiday here. his friend, ilham (an indonesian) said that he used to play in persija for few months and had been quit. anyone knows?

massa yg pake baju argentina, fyi dia org argentina. ilham yg berkaos putih.

It was a people's birthday month. Banyak banget yg ulangtahun! Dari birthday surprise sampe birthday party. Daripada banyak omong mending liat sendiri foto2nya ya :p

happy birthday syarif hidayatullah!

have a blast 17, divya brigitta!

guess whose birthday surprise it is! -_-

it is Dian Ruth. let's say happy birthday!

and many others. i just dont have the picture. well for everyone whose birthday is on april, happy belated birthday! :)

Okay. We're now moving to may. Wait, may????! WELL YA I NEED MORE SPACES TO TELL, I GOT 28364940583087 STORIES ON MAY! gimana kalo pindah ke post baru? iya? oke? LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO

say hello to the new doll!

a gift from dewe. actually, its name is sullivan. but we named it GRIMMIE. a new friend for mucus. say hello to grimmie, coolmates! :)